Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This blog's creation is completely related to spending some time writing.  Not writing emails, letters of recommendation, program proposals, contracts, resumes, cover letters, or even texts.  I do too much of all the above in my life already.  It's funny to think about, but all through high school and college I blogged.  Not about anything in particular.  Just picture Twitter...with a lot more characters describing life. Yep, that was it.

Ok, so moving past my last blog in 2008, I hope this works as a creative outlet, which I probably need more than Facebook and Twitter combined.  I'm pretty sure no one will read it, nor do I care, but sometimes things are worth saying despite the audience.

There is one project though that will stay on this blog.  Foodie Penpals.  Check the button below for more details.  In short, I will be sending a box of goodies from Toledo to my "penpal" and another person will send me a box from their hometown.  I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's reveal days, at the end of each month!
fpplogo Foodie Penpals

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