Friday, July 27, 2012

Reveal Day

So it's my first month of participating in a project called Foodie Penpals.  I was lucky to be paired up with two newbies like myself!  I sent my package to Karen and I received mine from Heather.  Shopping was fun, but getting my box in the mail was so exciting!  Heather packed mine up with all kinds of goodies, including her sweet note.

So, as I was taking things out of the box, my husband came over to snoop.  He then took the M&M Snack Mix and took tissue paper off of the glass items.  He was as anxious as I was?!  We agreed if he was going to be eating my stuff, he would have to buy something for next month!  About two seconds after everything was out and I took the picture, I broke into the apple chips.  I had these once before and remembered how delicious they were.  Crunchy and sweet, yum.  I normally like my tortilla chips white or yellow...never blue.  But later in the week I had to try the salsa, as I love new brands and types of salsa.  Without any other choice I broke open the blue chips.  Surprise!  They taste very similar to my "normal" chips.  The salsa on the other hand.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  Delicious.  And almost gone.  Yum.  I had a little bit of the snack mix...the other 98% of the bag disappeared.  Hm.  I'm going to let the apple butter make the move, but I'm excited to have it later, as the apple sauce is great.  I like smooth 'sauce, chunky 'sauce, but had never had almost full slices of apple...sauce.  It's different.  In a good way.

In a nutshell, I loved my box from Heather (THANKS!) and am looking forward to next month!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Scoop

So, we're moving to Virginia.  My husband took a job at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.  For lack of another term, we are uprooting everything we know in Ohio to venture to an unknown state.  Granted it's only seven hours from my hometown and nine from my husband's, I'm quite anxious.  We have packed probably 50% of our things thus far, not nearly enough with him leaving Saturday, for his first day at JMU on Monday.  My last day at work is Friday and it's all starting to come to a painful close, realizing some of the people I work with, for, or supporting, I may never see again.

In other news, I received my Foodie Penpal box last week, and it was filled with goodies that I will post about next week!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


This blog's creation is completely related to spending some time writing.  Not writing emails, letters of recommendation, program proposals, contracts, resumes, cover letters, or even texts.  I do too much of all the above in my life already.  It's funny to think about, but all through high school and college I blogged.  Not about anything in particular.  Just picture Twitter...with a lot more characters describing life. Yep, that was it.

Ok, so moving past my last blog in 2008, I hope this works as a creative outlet, which I probably need more than Facebook and Twitter combined.  I'm pretty sure no one will read it, nor do I care, but sometimes things are worth saying despite the audience.

There is one project though that will stay on this blog.  Foodie Penpals.  Check the button below for more details.  In short, I will be sending a box of goodies from Toledo to my "penpal" and another person will send me a box from their hometown.  I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's reveal days, at the end of each month!
fpplogo Foodie Penpals